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Author: Gilda Evans

Supporting Siblings with Jessica Siegel

Jessica is the founder of The Center for Siblings of People with Disabilities and the author of Billy’s Sister: Life when your sibling has a disability–a picture book based on her experiences growing up with her brother, Billy, who has autism. She has also spent over a decade working in nonprofit marketing and communications and is the owner of Sing Creative Group. 

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My Autism Superpower with JD Barker

J.D. Barker is an international bestselling American author whose work has been broadly described as suspense thrillers, often incorporating elements of horror, crime, mystery, science fiction, and the supernatural. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of 22, and considers it one of the main reasons he is so successful. 

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The Importance of Self-Care with Liz Gabor

Liz is a certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher, a certified Transformation Coach and Trainer and a Wellness Retreat Leader. Her teachings include providing accessible tools to regulate the nervous system, tune into one’s inner guidance, expand awareness, and go beyond perceived limits. Her work is deeply rooted in helping to cultivate self-care rituals and practices that create resilience and foster a kinder and gentler way of being with oneself, and in turn, with others.

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The Autism Narrative with Heidi Rome

Heidi Rome, is a speaker, author, coach, facilitator, advocate, mentor, perspective re-framer, solace-bringer, and mother of two sons, one with severe autism. Author of You Just Have to Love Me and creator of the Win/When Skillsets, she understands how to overcome overwhelm through loving kindness toward oneself and others. As founder of Moms Spectrum Oasis, Heidi is spreading the word that it’s time to change the narrative around autism if we are to live the ideals of true inclusion and belonging. 

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Employment and Inclusion with James Emmett

James is Founder/CEO of James Emmett & Company also known as JEC. It is one of the most recognizable brands in the field of disability inclusion and is a global leader in the implementation of disability inclusion initiatives with essential businesses. James has worked with companies like Advance Auto Parts, Walgreens, Lowe’s, Best Buy, and Office Depot to help plan & execute initiatives that have resulted in over 100,000 jobs for people with disabilities and has received numerous awards for innovation related to company-owned disability inclusion. 

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Parenting Tips with Kelley Coleman

Kelley Coleman is a feature film development executive turned author and advocate for parent caregivers and individuals with disabilities. Her book Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child: Your Guide to the Essential Systems, Services, and Supports draws upon over a decade of experience as a parent caregiver, and gives parents the tools to spend less time with paperwork and more time loving their kids exactly as they are. 

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Writing Skills with Emily Levy and Sophie Gutter

Dr. Emily Levy is the founder and director of EBL Coaching, a specialized tutoring program that offers individualized one-on-one home, virtual, and on-site instruction using research-based, multi-sensory techniques. She is the co-creator of the Writing Mastery software program that helps students develop stronger writing skills using a systematic approach to instruction and direct feedback.
Sophie Gutter is a ninth-grade student who is incredibly passionate about helping neurodivergent students thrive. She is the co-creator of the Writing Mastery software program and is excited to help students improve their writing skills.

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Love on the Spectrum with Cian O’Clery

Cian is an award-winning director, showrunner and executive producer. He is the co-creator, showrunner and director of the Emmy-winning Love on the Spectrum series, and has just finished filming a 3rd US season. In addition to creating and directing other series and documentaries, Cian was the series director of the critically acclaimed and award-winning Employable Me, a series featuring people with disabilities looking for employment, and Changing Minds: The Inside Story, an observational documentary filmed inside a mental health unit. He is attracted to projects that have something to say, while not forgetting it is the audience they are made for.

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Filmmaking, Internships and Employment with Diane Strand

Diane Strand is an author, an award-winning Executive Producer, an owner at JDS Video & Media Productions and Actors Studio, and the founder of the nonprofit JDS Creative Academy. Her programs provide Hands-On training and paid supported internship opportunities, and are designed to break down barriers to gainful employment in video production, post production and acting for neurodivergent and disabled individuals.

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Filmmaking and Inclusion with Alex Astrella

Alex Astrella is a visual artist based out of Orange County, California. Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of 2, Alex was told that he’d never be able to hold a job as an adult. 25 years later, Alex has won numerous awards and has garnered nationwide praise for his documentary films and screenplays.

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