Autism and Co-Morbidities with Dr. Ian Hale
Dr. Ian Hale, author of the book, Aspergers, Autism and You, shares his thoughts on various co-morbidities that often accompany autism and his theories regarding classical vs. acquired autism.
Giving Emotional Support with Nicole Mevs-Martin
Nicole Mevs-Martin, MFT, discusses ways in which we can emotionally support those in our lives with special needs during difficult or challenging circumstances as well as various therapeutic techniques that can be used to assist during these times.
Navigating College with Tina Castro and Heidi Perez
Tina Castro and Heidi Perez of the FACT organization describe how to navigate the maze of secondary education which can be confusing and challenging for anyone. They provide insight on services available to the special needs community on 2 and 4 year college campuses and how to access those services. Although they are based in Los Angeles, CA, their advice is applicable across the country.
Autism Diagnoses with Dr. Ian Hale
Dr. Ian Hale, author of the book, “Asperger’s, Autism and You”, discusses the challenges and importance of getting a proper diagnosis and how these conditions may present differently depending on the gender of the person with special needs. Dr. Hale is on the spectrum himself. You may check out his book here:
Lifestyle Planning and Letter of Intent with David Terk
David Terk of Serenitas Special Needs Planning discusses the importance of creating a comprehensive plan for your loved one with special needs, including details on the financial, social and day to day aspects. He specifically talks about something called a Letter of Intent, a document that should be a part of everyone’s life planning arsenal.
Ourtism – Services for Those with Asperger’s & Autism with Gail Carrier
Gail Carrier, co-founder of the Ourtism organization, talks about some of the difficulties in getting the right diagnosis for those on the spectrum as well as the challenges faced in the higher education and employment areas. Ourtism addresses these challenges with various services and programs that are available on a nationwide basis.
Transitioning to Adulthood with Claudia Wenger
Claudia Wenger of Claudia Cares Consulting discusses the details in creating and the importance of having a solid transition plan in place for your child with special needs well before they leave high school and enter the realm of adulthood.
Handling Behavioral Challenges with Dr. Harry Stark
Dr. Harry Stark, private practitioner and professor of psychology at California State University in Northridge, CA, discusses some of the aspects of handling behavioral issues that occur in various circumstances and settings, both for those with special needs as well as others who may not understand the challenges faced by people with special needs and their caretakers.
Finding Employment and Following Your Dreams with Chance Raspberry
Chance Raspberry, lead animator on The Simpsons and creator of Little Billy (the world’s first and only animated series about life with a neurodiversity), talks about growing up “different”, going to school, finding employment and following your passion and your dreams.
Making Friends with Dr.Elizabeth Laugeson
Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Founder and Director of the UCLA PEERS Clinic, shares her advice and insight about the social skills involved in making and keeping friends and building strong relationships.